Sunburn Remedies
You apply your mineral based SPF 30+ sunscreen and spend the perfect day at the beach playing in the water, building castles in the sand, and soaking up the rays. You forget to reapply and don’t realize you’re developing some redness. As evening approaches you begin feeling some discomfort, feel hot to touch, and possibly […]
Skin Care for Men
Guys, you may not talk about skin care products and anti-aging often but you should still take great care of your skin. Your daily routine is to shower and shave, use after-shave and cologne, and for many men, that may be your complete grooming process. If this sounds like you, you are truly missing out. […]
Skin Cancer: Causes and Signs
Sunseekers may not always understand the risk they are taking by exposing their skin to sunlight for prolonged amounts of time without sunscreen. It is often not until they have to seek out a skin cancer dermatology clinic for help. Understanding the causes and signs of skin cancer and identifying it is the first step […]
Dark Spots
Dark spots on skin are known as hyperpigmentation and can occur at any time and for many different reasons. This is not entirely true. What Causes Dark Spots? There are several conditions that can cause a dark spot: Sun Damage is one of the leading causes of brown spots and sun spots. Prolonged sun exposure […]
Causes of Dry Skin
You look in the mirror and notice your face looks flaky around your nose or forehead and your elbows are patchy. What should you do? Lather on lotion? Call your dermatologist or just hope it passes? If you suffer from dry skin, you need to first determine why your skin is dry and then find […]