Dermatitis is a broad term that simply means a skin irritation that can show up in many different forms. If your doctor tells you that you have dermatitis, you should find out what exactly is causing it, what kind you have, and how to treat it. Dermatitis is not a contagious condition but it can […]
Stretch Mark Removal
The appearance of stretch marks, known medically as striae rubrae or striae distensae, often come with fluctuations in weight. These are particularly predominant in women during and post pregnancy. For many people that get stretch marks on their skin, it can be bothersome and often prevents them from wearing summer swimwear, shorts, or otherwise more […]
Corns and Calluses
Flip-flops and sandals are essential summertime footwear for many people. But, after a long winter confined to boots and heavy shoes, your feet may be callused or have corns that make you want to hide your feet in the sand. Don’t hide your feet! Use the advice here to treat corns and calluses, and give […]
Allergic Reactions & Hives
If you have ever had an itchy rash appear on your skin that turned to red welts, you have probably experienced hives urticaria, also known as urticaria or simply hives. You may not know what it was or what is the cause of hives, but you know it was a nuisance. According to the American […]
Skin Tag on Eyelid
Your appearance is important to you, and when you discover a skin growth on your eyelid, your body image can suffer. You may stop going out in public or avoid looking people in the eye. If this sounds familiar, you aren’t alone. The great news is that skin growth on the eyelid, skin tags on […]